MS Access 2013 Expert

This course is designed to teach you a deeper understanding of Access 2013 in a practical way. This training incorporates a hands-on approach to learning. They will get a chance to practice some of the advance features right on a computer.

This training is meant to provide a safe learning environment where they can practice and learn Access 2013 Expert functions without worrying about making mistakes. Access 2013 features a new framework that is designed for one purpose―enable users to create data-centric web applications. Taking the time to develop a deep understanding of Access 2013 will increase their knowledge on how databases work and make creating and managing an Access 2013 database easier for everyone.

Learning Objectives:

  • Create a custom app and use custom actions
  • Use macros in a custom app
  • Use validation rules and messages
  • Use macros in desktop databases
  • Perform advanced query tasks
  • Design custom forms
  • Perform advanced reporting tasks
  • Use advanced database tools
  • Customize the Access environment
Course Information
  • Course Id:MS-104
  • Room:Room 1
  • Days:Monday to Thursday
  • Timings:varies

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